There's no shortage of crisis in the world.
Our crisis is a birth.
Crisis is an Evolutionary Driver.
Emergency Generates Emergence.
Every Breakdown opens the door for a Breakthrough.
The COVID-19 Global pandemic makes us realize crisis like never before. At the same time it is but one of the catastrophic and existential crises we as humanity are facing.
Crises, like unprecedented numbers of people trafficked and enslaved, fatal social injustice, addiction epidemics, failure to enact global public goods, compounding environmental degradation, incessant war and other unsustainable practices, are now looming in catastrophic proportions on humanity’s collective doorstep.
We stand on the brink: How will we navigate our way through these emerging catastrophic risks? Much less the existential crisis that may well be coming?
How do we create what Barbara and Marc call "source code solutions" to emerge, connected and empowered, ready to herald a radical new way of living adequate to thrive in the short as well as the long run?
Barbara & Marc, together, are guiding the way, constructing a map for Conscious Evolution, outlining steps for exponential self-transfiguration:
The 11th Hour includes powerful formulas for:
Discovering Your "Deepest Heart’s Desire"
New Source Code Maps that can help you take the next great
leap of emergence in your own life
How to Connect your Personal love story to the larger love story of reality
New Maps of Relationship: “From Role Mate to Soul Mate to Whole Mate”
The Core Principle of what Barbara and Marc call “ the Intimate Universe”
Your Transition from Homo Sapiens to Homo Amor;
the Emergence of the New Human and the New Humanity as YOU
The wonder of stepping into Vocational Arousal, a state of
heightened creative intention that points your inner compass toward
what Barbara loved to call your own “quantum evolution”
The Movement from Win-Lose Metrics to Unique Self Symphonies
What is a Unique Self Symphony and why does it matter so much?
How to Participate in what Marc and Barbara have called
the next Step in Evolutionary Intimacy
"A Planetary Awaking in Love Through Unique Self Symphonies"
Accessing the skills to close the gap between your “ability to feel the pain
and your ability to heal the pain”
Playing a Larger Game Starting Today
Participating in the Evolution of Love
The 11th Hour is a gift, a gift that could slip between our fingers if we do not reach out, take the hand of destiny and emerge into our unique potential to change the game - individually AND collectively.