So, what does Eros feel like on the inside?
What Eros feels like on the inside is pleasure.
When there is a failure of Eros - fragmentation - we have suffering.
That’s the structure of reality.
A Personal Message from Dr. Marc Gafni:
"In this moment that we are in, in the midst of breakdown - in the midst of uncertainty - in the midst of catastrophic and even existential risk - that breakdown is sourced in a failure of Eros. There are multiple levels of the failure of Eros that brought us to this moment and multiple reasons why we haven’t focused our intention to prepare for this moment.
The invitation of this moment is to evolve the source code, to tell a new story, a new story of identity, of community, a New Universe Story. We need to restore Eros - or even evolve Eros.
Intimacy is one of the qualities of Eros. So the evolution of intimacy, the reclaiming of our knowing that we are unique incarnations of Eros in a CosmoErotic Universe, is the essence of this moment, which is why we are offering you this opportunity to
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That is why we are focusing on Eros in the middle of a pandemic. Eros is not extra. The problem is a failure of Eros.
Every failure of Eros then births a complete failure of ethics. It is a crack in our wholeness, in our wholeness of identity, and our wholeness of One World. We split off Wuhan, China. But there is no possibility like that. It is One World.
What used to be true is: Whatever happened in China didn’t have anything to do with what was happening in Holland. There were only vague connections along the silk trail. Occasionally, there were potential clashes but basically it took hundreds of years for them to play out.
Today, because we have forgotten what no-boundary consciousness is, that’s what the virus reminds us of. The only way to heal the virus is with a deeper virus - a deeper virus in the sense of a viral explosion of a deeper contagion (which comes from the same Latin root as the word contact). And that deeper contagion is the New Universe Story.
- Dr. Marc Gafni
When most sincere modern seekers hear the word ‘Eros’ they think of sexual desire and of particular forms of sexual desire. Sex however is not Eros. Sex models Eros. It does not even begin to exhaust Eros. Culture, for a series of good and bad reasons, has exiled the Erotic to the sexual, when in truth, the sexual models the erotic. But the great invitation of spirit is to live an erotic life in all of the non-sexual dimensions of your life.
Eros and its expressions as desire and intimacy have gorgeous expressions in the sexual but they also completely transcend it! Intimacy and desire are the twin qualities of spirit that define our aspiration in every dimension of life.
Once you understand this critical distinction you literally unlock the door to the secret that the mystics have known for centuries: